We are a choir that meets up a few times each year to sing Choral Evensong and other church services in the most special and inspiring places, usually cathedrals and collegiate chapels, or chapels in former stately homes. If you love singing traditional sacred choral music in a choir, and like the idea of doing so in amazing locations with new and old friends and partaking of agreeable hospitality, this may be something you would enjoy.

This is where you can find out about our upcoming live (and occasionally virtual) singing events.

This website is also our Music Cupboard. You can find here a lot of music for evensongs and other choral services, in many cases with rehearsal audios or videos, to help singers learn their part. This may all be freely accessed and copied for non-commercial use, with a credit to 'With Cheerful Voice'.

Click on an image below, or the link in one of the drop down menus above, to find the music for one of our current events or projects.

We sang Choral Evensong in the Tudor Chapel at The Charterhouse, London, in July 2024.

Our recent trip to Beaune, France, after our performance in the Hospices de Beaune.

Upcoming events

Below are details of our upcoming events. All our events are open to any reasonably experienced choral singer. You do not need to be an expert sight reader. You just need to be willing to learn the pieces ahead of time, using the rehearsal aids provided. We do not meet as a choir until the start of the event.
No commitment involved, except to the event you sign up for.
As well as singing in special places, we enjoy agreeable hospitality and like to get to know the places we visit.
We try to ensure that we have a good social time. We come together as singers, and part as friends!

Friday 14th and Saturday 15th September 2024
Salisbury Stanford Singing Weekend

A unique event, in conjunction with a local group,to celebrate the centenary of Stanford's death with a workshop and performance in a service of Stanford's Mass in C in a medieval Salisbury church. Includes a talk (with singing) on Victorian hymns, and a performance and after-dinner talk by a renowned international concert pianist.

Full details and booking form here.

Tuesday 17th September 2024
'Ein feste Burg'—German Hymns Evening

Come and sing classic German hymns in German, in the remarkable 18th century German church in Whitechapel, London.
Be part of the mini choir which will sing an anthem.

Full details here here.

Hold the date...

The following dates and locations are confirmed. Full details and formal booking will come nearer the time.
If you are interested in being part of these please email Phil on phil@withcheerfulvoice.org.uk.

Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th December 2024
Rochester Cathedral

Finish the year by singing a weekend of services in one of England's oldest cathedrals.

Saturday 28th June 2025
St Vedast alias Foster

A one day event in a City of London church to celebrate and sing the work of noted Victorian female composer, organist and conductor, Ann Mounsey Bartholomew.

Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th August 2025
A Very Special Place

2025 is long way off, but for this place that is how far ahead it is necessary to book. Mark these dates for the chance to sing a weekend of Evensong and Matins in this remarkable and world-famous location.