Salisbury Stanford Singing Weekend

led by Professor Jeremy Dibble

Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th September 2024

Charles Villiers Stanford (1852-1924)

This event is organised by With Cheerful Voice regulars Naomi and John King, and led by well known Stanford expert Professor Jeremy Dibble.
We are supporting it with publicity and handling the tickets.

If you like Stanford and the hymns and church music of the Victorian period, this is something that will appeal.
As well as Stanford's Mass in C, we shall sing Rathbone's 'Rejoice in the Lord Alway' and enjoy a talk by Jeremy on the hymns of the Oxford Movement, of which we shall sing a goodly number.
To complete this musical weekend we shall hear a peformance and after-dinner speech by international concert pianist Allan Schiller, and enjoy a black tie dinner in celebration of Stanford's centenary year.

The event takes place in the church of Sarum St Michael, which pre-dates the cathedral, having been founded prior to 1091.
The Saturday evening dinner, a black tie occasion, will be at the White Hart Hotel in Salisbury, a short walk from the church.

Music Scores

There are two main pieces: Stanford's Mass in C and Rathbone's 'Rejoice in the Lord.'
You can download these here.

Stanford Mass in C

Rathbone 'Rejoice in the Lord'

You do not need to bring your own print outs, as you will be issued with a book on the day.

With limited time for rehearsal on the day, singers should learn their parts as much as possible in advance, as there will be no time for note-learning on the day.

Use these part-learning audios in conjunction with your score to practise as often as you need to, at your own convenient time and place, until you can sing your part accurately and confidently.


Friday 13th
Informal buffet dinner at White Hart Hotel (optional extra, select on the bookng form)

Saturday 14th
9.30am Welcome, registration and coffee
10.00am Workshop led by Jeremy Dibble to prepare Stanford Mass in C
1.00pm Lunch
2.00pm "Tractarianism, the Oxford Movement and the Victorian Hymn." Talk by Jeremy Dibble, with plenty of singing.
4.00pm Tea
4.30pm Piano recital by Allan Schiller
7.30pm Dinner (black tie) at the White Hart Hotel.

Sunday 15th
9.15am Rehearsal at Sarum St Martin
10.30am Choral Eucharist with Stanford Mass in C and Rathbone 'Rejoice in the Lord Alway'
Sunday Lunch at the White Hart (optional extra, select on the bookng form)

Download the Booking Form here.

For further information contact Naomi King on 0786 227 7071 or Phil Price at

Nearer the time the music will be available to download here.